STPI : First floor - interactive incubation

STPI : First floor - interactive incubation

STPI : First floor - interactive incubation

STPI : First floor - interactive incubation

STPI : First floor - Meeting room

STPI : First floor - interactive incubation

STPI : First floor - interactive incubation

What You Get

Strong branding and enhanced visibility to the startup.

State of art lab equipment .

Mentoring by Industry veterans & successful entrepreneurs

Assistance in funding via network of angel and venture funds.

Government & Industry connect.

Participation in industry events and exhibitions.

Free credit and discounted rates from associated partners.

Financial support for prototyping from CSR corpus.

Pre incubation support to startup at Ideation stage.

Electropreneur Park - Lab equipments

Test & Measuing Equipment

Sl# General Product Description
1 4 channel Oscilloscope (analog + digital) 5Ghz OSCILLOSCOPE, Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 1GHZ 4-Analog Channels and 16 digital channels , >8.5 inch Display , memory depth 4 mpts,4GS/s sample rate. Including probes
2 Oscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+16-channel, 500 MHz, 2.5Ghz OSCILLOSCOPE , 500MHz, 4 Analog Isolated channel with 16Digital Channels, 2.5Gs/s Sampling rate, with memory depth 4mpts. Including probes
2 Oscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+16-channel, 200 MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope ,200MHz with 4 Analog and 16 Digital Channels with inbuilt funtiona generator and probes. Display >9", & 10M record Length
Sl# General Product Description
1 Multimeter MULTIMETER, HANDHELD, 4.5 digit True RMS AC+DC Measurements.
Sl# General Product Description
1 Isolation transformer TRANSFORMER, ISOLATING, 500VA.
1 Isolation transformer DimmerstatTRANSFORMER, VARIABLE, 2A
Power Supplies
Sl# General Product Description
1 Power Supply Bench PSU, BENCH, 2 X 0-30V, 5V, 3A Adjustable, outputs for 30V range and a fixed 5V output. Accuracy Voltage and Current < 0.2%
2 DC power supply. Triple output: 0- +25V, 0-1A: 0- -25V, 0-1A, 0- 6V, 0-5A 80W Tripple output DC Power Supply . 0 to 32 V, 0 to 10 Amp
Sl# General Product Description
1 Soldering Work Station SOLDERING STATION, 80W, 230V, EU, Goot/weller
2 Soldering and desoldering Work Station Temperature control station, Goot/weller
3 Tools kit KIT, TOOL, ELECT, S/IRON, UK PLUG,soldering wire,flux -PROSKIT/FIS
Power analyser / Power Meter
Sl# General Product Description
1 Power analyser Single phasePower Qualityanalyser. Power harmonics,voltage sags,Power, VA, VARReactivePower, PowerFactor, THDmeasurements.
2 Power meter single phase
3 Power meter 3 phase
Programable Load
Sl# General Product Description
1 Programmable power supply(5KW) POWER SUPPLY, SYSTEM, 20V 250A 5KW
2 Programmable load AC/DC ELECTRONIC LOAD, 80V, 400A, 10KW
3 DC Electronic Load upto 600W DC Electronic Load upto 600W
Other Equipment
Sl# General Product Description
1 Infrared thermometer THERMOMETER, -30 deg to +700 centrigrade range +/- 1% accuracy, display resolution 0.1 deg centigrade /F ,Battery operated.
2 Misc lab tools Verniers,maginfying glass,drilling machine,bits etc
Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Sl# General Product Description
1 Arbitrary Function Generator, 100 MHz Waveform generator,100MHz
2 Signal generator FUNCTION GENERATOR, ARB, 2 CH, 240MHZ AM,FM,PM, PWM, PM, FSK and Arbitrary waveform generation
Communication Protocol testing
Sl# General Product Description
1 Logic analyser LOGIC ANALYSER, DIGITAL, 100MHZ, 18CH Logic analyser without inbuilt display, PC Connectivity through USB, Drivers and Graphical UserInterface for Windows environments as a part of it.
Sl# General Product Description
1 Labview NI SW plus related hardware
2 IAR embeded software, ARM CORTEX series Including JTAG Debugger workbench, coding, compiler, perpetual licence
3 Environment test chambers Temp Range-Amb to 60'c (+_1C)& 200 Liters, Humidity Range Amb to 95% (_+3%) 24"X24"X24"
4 ESD protection equipment Bands, mats etc

Other equipment and Test kits

Sl# General Product Description Units(new) Recommendations / Comments
1 OrCAD PCB designer with Pspice, OrCAD capture,Pspice analysis or equivalent 1 licences for pcb design tools with 1 simulation tool for 5 years 1.00 Need more specifics; Cost can be reduced; EDA vendors will give at a subsidized rate
Embedded Hardware and Software Development kits
Sl# General Product Description Units(new) Recommendations / Comments
1 Software Devlopment Kit plus key components Development kits, micro controllers, sensors 4.00 1st lot of 12.50 Lakh, rest based on requisitions from startups
1.1 Reference Design kits Various chip vendors 1.00 -
1.2 Drone kits Ready made drones for creating applications 2.00 Initially 1 kit
1.3 Component Bank - 2.00 Initially 1 kit
General Computing
Sl# General Product Description Units(new) Recommendations / Comments
1 Server for development software tools Hosting of Design and development tools - -
2 Computers for facility - - -
Other ICT equipments
Sl# General Product Description Units(new) Recommendations / Comments
1 Other ICT equipments LED, Projector,printer,photocopy,scanner etc - -